Thursday, 26 August 2010

Poker player spitts in dealers face

Mesbah Khaffaji got so angry after losing a hand in poker that he spat in the dealers face. Now, he's arrested for assault.

It all occurred at the Bicycle Casino in Los Angeles a while ago. Mesbah Khaffaji was eating at the poker table while playing No Limit Texas Holdem against some other people. After losing a hand where lots of money was up for grabs, he got so frustrated and angry that he couldn't control his feelings and spitted out some of his food - straight in the dealers face.

The casino's security guards intervened straight away and handed over Mesbah Khaffaji to the police. He was arrested, suspected on reasonable grounds, for assault but was released shortly after, in the wait for court proceedings, when he paid the bail of $20,000

In the state of California it's enough to touch another person (in an aggressive situation) for it to be classified as assault. However, it doesn't seem to be all that common that people spit a dealer in the face.

"Is it common? No. But it happens sometimes!

Yes, some people can't control themselves when losing big amounts of money", said Brendan Kirkpatrik from Bell Gardens police department to Los Angeles Times.
Source -

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